Vancouver Landing
The western portion of the Terminal 1 pier, known as Vancouver Landing, hosts a renovated public space. This outdoor area provides a public-friendly atmosphere for enjoying the waterfront. Ground stabilization work was completed to bring the underlying soil to necessary seismic standards prior to upgrading the structure.
Vancouver Landing opened to the public in early June 2022. A continuation segment of the 5-mile Waterfront Renaissance Trail bisects the property from west to east. A green area and new boardwalk interconnect the trail, landing, and upper boat dock which will be home to a future public marketplace. A pedestrian ramp connects the renovated lower dock to the upper areas.
The American Empress Columbia River cruise ship and smaller personal watercraft will continue to dock at Vancouver Landing, bringing throngs of passengers to use the many public areas and (once open) patronize marketplace establishments.
Visitors may enjoy the use of public areas for recreation and entertainment. A viewing garden and the scenic Columbia River brings nature into full view. Public artwork will adorn the grounds with historic and aesthetic notes.
Vancouver Landing is now open
Vancouver Landing
The western portion of the Terminal 1 pier, known as Vancouver Landing, will host a renovated amphitheater. This outdoor venue will provide a public-friendly atmosphere for enjoying the waterfront and select events. Ground stabilization work will be completed to bring the underlying soil to necessary seismic standards prior to upgrading the amphitheater structure.
A continuation segment of the 5-mile Waterfront Renaissance Trail will bisect the property from west to east. A green area and new boardwalk interconnect the trail, amphitheater, and upper boat dock with the marketplace. A pedestrian ramp connects the renovated lower dock to the upper areas.
The American Empress Columbia River cruise ship and smaller personal watercraft will continue to dock at Vancouver Landing, bringing throngs of passengers to use the many public areas and patronize marketplace establishments.
Visitors will enjoy the use of public areas for recreation and entertainment. A viewing garden and the scenic Columbia River will bring nature into full view. Public artwork will adorn the grounds with historic and aesthetic notes.