Who can I contact for more information? Julie Rawls, Community Relations Manager: 360-823-5297, or jrawls@portvanusa.com; Jim Hagar, Economic Development Project Manager: 360-823-5313, or jhagar@portvanusa.com Who can I contact for more information?terminal12019-12-09T19:45:09+00:00
How can I provide input on the port’s plans for Terminal 1? Port staff and leadership have been out in the community, speaking to various groups about the project and soliciting feedback. The How can I provide input on the port’s plans for Terminal 1?terminal12022-05-24T20:14:00+00:00
How does the port’s project relate to the larger waterfront development taking place in Vancouver? Next door to Terminal 1 is a 35-acre development under construction by Columbia Waterfront LLC. The port has been working with How does the port’s project relate to the larger waterfront development taking place in Vancouver?terminal12019-12-05T02:11:43+00:00